Lights out or stress out?
It’s no secret that adults struggle with sleep. Whether it’s work stress, crying babies, or a brain that just won’t shut off, sleep can feel hard. But what happens when bad sleep isn’t a rare occurrence, but a frustrating cycle?
When we don’t sleep, we suffer.
The science is clear: poor sleep is linked to a myriad of health problems, including weakened immunity, mood changes, high blood pressure, weight gain, and focus and memory problems. Our bodies (and minds) need 8-9 hours of shuteye per night.
But how do we do it?
The Adult Sleep Course is a 4-week self-paced virtual masterclass that teaches tired and frustrated adults how to sleep 8-9 hours every night.
This course is for you if you
- toss and turn at bedtime
- wake up in the night and can’t fall back asleep
- struggle with periods of insomnia
- rely on a melatonin or sleeping pill to sleep
- wake up feeling tired
- experience sleep deprivation symptoms
such as irritability, poor focus, weak immunity,
or persistent fatigue
Good sleep doesn’t have to be complicated.
Healthy sleep can be effortless (with the right foundations). Over the next 4 weeks, you’ll learn to hit the pillow, stress-free.
Download the Interactive Workbook
Watch the short weekly video.
Complete the simple (and fun!) homework.
Sleep 8-9 hours every night.
Sleep Success Stories
Turn your sleep on autopilot.
No more dark circles under your eyes.
No more trouble concentrating.
No more 3PM crashes.
Our course will help you find a rhythm of rest. In four weeks, sleep won’t be something you stress or even think about. It’ll just be what you do.
Toss the tossing and turning.
The Sleep Wise Adult Course is a self-paced course that walks you through making simple changes, week by week, for a total of 4 weeks. These small, sustainable changes will help you fall asleep faster, shorten any nighttime wakeups, and improve the quality of your zzzz’s, so that you can feel more rested throughout your day.
The adult sleep course at a glance
4 Video Lessons
Interactive Sleep Workbook
Easy Course Homebase
Science-Based Principles
Bonus Lessons
Add-on 1:1 Support
Backed by science.
Proven by happy sleepers.
For the past 5 years, we’ve worked one-on-one with adults from around the world. We’re thrilled with the results (and so are the doctors who recommend us). By making simple adjustments, you can go from 5-6 hours of sleep to 8-9 hours every night!
Need 1:1 Support?
Whether you need help weaning off sleep medications or want extra accountability, the Adult Sleep course offers optional upgrades for additional support. Our dedicated team of certified adult sleep consultants are here to help you break old habits and create a sustainable sleep routine.
The five course modules
The course begins by discussing the origin of the saying “Sleep is for the Weak” and why it matters to you. We will also explore the alarming statistics of sleep deprivation and cover how sleep works.
Week 1: Mindset & Environment
We’ll start with your mindset around sleep and why that matters. We’ll also dive into your bedroom environment and your sleep schedule so that you can start settling into your slumber, right from the get-go.
Week 2: Your Bedtime Routine
The second week focuses on your bedtime routine, examining how to break old habits and create a new rhythm that promotes easy, consistent sleep. Plus, we’ll teach you what to do when you can’t fall asleep (hint: tossing and turning is not the answer).
Week 3: Stress & Lifestyle
The third module teaches you how stress, sunlight, movement, caffeine, and alcohol all impact your sleep. Don’t worry here… We’re not recommending any strict diets or cutbacks. Often a few simple additions or schedule adjustments can make a big difference when it comes to your sleep.
Week 4: Naps, Nutrition & Norms
In our last week, we’ll dive deeper into sleep-promoting nutrition and give you the skinny on naps. (Are naps helping or hindering your nighttime sleep?). We’ll also teach you some really interesting things about daytime and nighttime habits.
Plus Bonus Lessons!
Wanna dive deeper? We’ve packaged up even more sleep science in five easy-to-digest bonus lessons.
- Adolescent Sleep
- Sleep in Seniors
- Women & Hormones
- Sleeping Pills & Sleep Aides
- Sample Breathing Techniques

Hey there!
I’m Katie Pitts, owner and founder of Sleep Wise Consulting.
After helping nearly 7,000 families teach their children to sleep well, I realized we were missing a huge portion of the population when it comes to sleep – YOU. The statistics about a lack of sleep are really scary– sleep deprivation is becoming a national health crisis. The message hit harder when I witnessed the impact that stress and a lack of sleep was having on my husband Aaron – it went so far as bringing him close to heart failure. For Aaron’s sake (and over half of America who has some sort of sleep struggle), I dove into adult sleep research.
For the past 5 years, I’ve worked one-on-one with adults to improve their sleep.
I’ve been thrilled by the results I have seen: by making small and easy adjustments to someone’s lifestyle, I found that people go from 5-6 hours of sleep (or less!) to 8-9 hours!
After working with clients across America and internationally the globe, and being recommended and supported by doctors, I’m thrilled to offer you our Adult Sleep course. It’s time for you to take your sleep back, too.
your questions, answered.
My schedule is crazy. Will I have time for this?
The benefit of the course is that you can do this at your own pace – when you have time! The videos are intentionally recorded in short segments so you can easily watch one lesson on a walk, or while waiting in school pick up line.
I’ve been on sleeping pills for years. Can this course actually help?
Absolutely. Because you’ve been on sleeping pills for a while, we will help you work closely with your doctor as you begin to taper down. We highly recommend that you upgrade to additional support with our consultants during the wean down process.
What if I need more personalized help?
Sleep Wise has a team of certified adult sleep consultants who are available to offer you additional support if at any time you want to upgrade to a more personalized approach.
I have sleep apnea. Can this still help me?
It can. But first, you have to get your sleep apnea under control. If you did a sleep study and followed the recommendations from your doctor, but are still struggling with your sleep, that’s where we come in. There are a lot of shifts we can make during your day that will help improve your quality and quantity of sleep at night!
What if this doesn’t work?
Our course material is backed by thousands of peer-reviewed scientific studies. If you implement the changes and practices inside the course, you’ll start to see progress week by week – guaranteed! If you don’t, reach out to us and let’s dig in deeper.
Most Affordable Basic $149 | Most Popular Gold $279 | Most Personalized Platinum $449 | |
All-in-One Course Platform | |||
5 Course Modules | |||
Interactive Workbook | |||
Bonus Content: Adolescent Sleep | |||
Bonus Content: Sleep in Seniors | |||
Bonus Content: Women & Hormones | |||
Bonus Content: Sleeping Pills & Sleep Aides | |||
Bonus Content: Recorded Breathing Techniques | |||
Two 1:1 Calls with a Certified Sleep Wise Consultant | |||
Two Additional 1:1 Calls with a Certified Sleep Wise Consultant | |||
Email Support | |||