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Prenatal & Newborn Sleep Packages

Newborns bring a beautiful and challenging season of life. Our Newborn Sleep Package is the reassurance and dependable support that you deserve.

A better newborn phase.

Congratulations on your new baby! Whether you’re anticipating the arrival of your little one, or you have a newborn in your home, we’re here to help your family navigate sleep safety, newborn feeding schedules, night feeds, reflux, swaddles, and so much more. Our goal is to turn your confusion and uncertainty into relief – leaving you space to enjoy your baby.

The Newborn Sleep Plan

Instead of guessing your way through these first week’s of your baby’s life, partner up with a consultant who lives and breaths all things newborn. The weekly guidance you receive will help you slowly and gently create a routine that allows your baby’s sleep to come peacefully and easily. All while enjoying the moments of connection during night feeds, the closeness and safety of room sharing, and so many snuggles.

"We are first time parents and literally had no idea what we were doing. Our sleep consultant helped guide us through the newborn phase and transition to his own room, and eased so much of my new mom anxiety. Our now 8 month old son sleeps like a champ through the night, and has been since around 8 to 10 weeks, thanks to this company!"

Mom of a 2-month old

What You’ll Learn

Sleep Skills

Pave the way for peaceful bedtimes by understanding your newborn’s needs, abilities, and cues.

Safe Sleep

You’ll rest easily knowing that your newborn’s sleep environment is safe and conducive to optimal sleep.

The Rhythm
of Rest

Create a daily (and nightly) flow that turns your newborn’s sleep on autopilot.

Milestone Prep

Prepare yourself for healthy sleep changes and natural regressions that you’ll encounter in the months to come.

Who It’s For

The Prenatal & Newborn Sleep Packages are perfect for:

  • Expecting parent(s)
  • Parent(s) with a newborn aged 0-12 weeks
  • Parent(s) with newborn twins
  • Parent(s) with a newborn that won’t sleep
  • First-time and experienced parents alike!

6 Months of Support

Gold Sleep Package

Sleep Consultant $995
Senior Consultant $1150

One Full Year of Support

Platinum Sleep Package

Sleep Consultant $1675
Senior Consultant $1850

Sleep Needs Analysis
Private Phone Consultation
Comprehensive Sleep Plan
Infant Activity Guide
Weekly Follow-Up Phone Calls
Thirty Minute Close Out Call
Monthly Follow Up Calls
Sleep Wise Graduate Toolkit
Newborn Surviving to Thriving Guide
Weekly Emails (until your baby is 12 weeks old)
Newborn Insider’s Guide
Three Additional Follow Up Calls
Access to our Rested Exclusive Membership for 6 Months

6 Months of Support

Gold Sleep Package

Sleep Consultant $995
Senior Consultant $1150

Get Started
  • Sleep Needs Analysis
  • Private Phone Consultation
  • Comprehensive Sleep Plan
  • Infant Activity Guide
  • Weekly Follow-Up Phone Calls
  • Thirty Minute Close Out Call
  • Monthly Follow Up Calls
  • Sleep Wise Graduate Toolkit
Show details

One Full Year of Support

Platinum Sleep Package

Sleep Consultant $1675
Senior Consultant $1850

Get Started
  • Sleep Needs Analysis
  • Private Phone Consultation
  • Comprehensive Sleep Plan
  • Infant Activity Guide
  • Weekly Follow-Up Phone Calls
  • Thirty Minute Close Out Call
  • Monthly Follow Up Calls
  • Sleep Wise Graduate Toolkit
  • Newborn Surviving to Thriving Guide
  • Weekly Emails (until your baby is 12 weeks old)
  • Newborn Insider’s Guide
  • Three Additional Follow Up Calls
  • Access to our Rested Exclusive Membership for 6 Months
Show details
*For prenatal/newborn twins, we add $100 to each package price. Because your bundles of joy are new to everyone, we’ll all need to get acclimated to your family’s sleep needs. As twin experts, we’ll help you get ahead of the issues we typically see with twins.

In-home Support

Do you live near a Sleep Wise Consultant?

In-home support is available for all packages and is easily tailored to your unique situation.


The Process

We’re here for you at every stage of your journey. Let’s walk you through the newborn sleep package, from your first email to healthy sleep and beyond.

Step 1

Schedule Your Consultation

Choose Your Package

Once you choose the package that best fits your family’s needs, you’ll receive a detailed questionnaire via email. Complete and return this to us at least 2 days prior to your consultation to give your consultant time to create your child’s custom sleep plan.

Prepare Your Family

We see the greatest successes for families when everyone is on the same page, including your spouse, nanny, or any other caregiver(s). We encourage you to discuss your sleep challenges, expectations, and goals before making sleep changes.

Secure Your Package

Using the link sent to you via email, review your quote, sign your contract, and pay the invoice. Completing these steps immediately will allow you to confirm your consultation time with your consultant.

Set Expectations

Total sleep transformations aren’t made in one night, so begin when you are fully committed!  We’ll educate you on the nuances of your child’s best sleep practices but know that success will depend on your consistency in following your consultant’s recommendations. With consistency and time, we’ll teach your little one to sleep independently. Get excited– you’re on the path to restorative sleep!

Time Investment

Our newborn plan typically lasts until your child is 12 weeks old. While many infants experience fantastic improvements in sleep quite quickly, your consultant’s advice and guidance are available to you, coupled with your consistency, through the duration of the plan until your child has met his or her sleep goals.

Step 2

Meet with your Consultant

Discuss Your Custom Sleep Plan

During your consultation, we’ll go over your child’s sleep plan in detail, including bedtime, night-wakings, and naps. Your certified sleep consultant will discuss the importance of healthy sleep habits and find a routine that will work best for your family. Most importantly, you’ll be provided with safe sleep recommendations. Depending on the package you choose, we’ll outline next steps for follow-up support. 

Ask Questions

This is a time where we can address any questions or concerns you may have about the process. Your consultant wants you to feel comfortable asking questions so that you can go into the initial implementation with total confidence. Then, we’ll schedule the first follow-up call, which typically takes place the morning after you begin implementing your sleep plan.

Step 3

After Your Consultation

Receive Your Sleep Plan

Your consultant will send you the finalized sleep plan, which includes details of the follow-up support provided with the package you chose. At this time, your family can make any recommended changes to your nursery based on our discussion during the consultation to maximize your child’s success.

Track Your Child’s Sleep

You’ll receive editing access to your child’s sleep log, which will be reviewed by your consultant weekly. As you implement the sleep plan, we’ll track your little one’s progress and make recommendations for changes based on how things are progressing. 

Step 4

Celebrate your Rest

Use Your Resources

After you complete your package, you’ll receive resources from your consultant. Keep the close out resources your consultant provided for reference. When you encounter sleep changes or transitions in the future, you will know just what to do.

Rest and Recharge

Healthy sleep opens the door to calmer, brighter days. Once your child has independent sleep skills, bedtime won’t be a burden. With more predictable sleep, you’ll have more time to take care of yourself and your relationships. We’re cheering you on as you schedule date nights, enjoy a solo outing, and discover what it feels like to be #restedasamother or #restedasafather!

Share your Experience

We want to hear how you’re doing! You can submit your family’s testimonial to share your success story with us. Tell other families about your child’s sleep transformation or even celebrate your child’s great sleep on social media!  When you refer a family to Sleep Wise, you earn the benefit of AMAZING rewards through our fantastic affiliate program!  The gift of sleep will keep on giving!

Not sure where to start?

Book a free 20-minute sleep evaluation to discuss your newborn’s sleep struggles and find the right consultant for your family.