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Adult Sleep

Mattress Material: Choose Wisely

You sleep 1/3 of your life in bed - so you cannot underestimate the importance of choosing the right material for your mattress and pillow. But with such a wide variety of options available in the market, ranging from traditional to new technology a...

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Adult Sleep

Pillow Material: Choose Wisely

The amount of pillows on the market can feel overwhelming. How do we know what is best for us? Pillows can be as individualized preference as our own personal style - so how can we choose the best one? Memory Foam Pillows Memory foam pillows a...

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Adult Sleep

Is it Okay to Sleep With My Pet? 

For many pet owners, the question of whether to let pets share their sleeping space is a hot button topic. While some pet owners can’t fall asleep without their pet snuggled beside them, others have a more restrictive no pets in the bedroom bounda...

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Infant Sleep

Attachment Parenting & Sleep Training

Gentle parenting, conscious parenting, attachment parenting: it's possible that you'll hear these terms used online and in social media. As a parent you'll likely gravitate to one style of parenting more than another. It's not surprising that, with...

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Infant Sleep

Why Sleep Sacks Are Our Favorite

After outgrowing the swaddle, families often ask us “What should my baby wear while sleeping?” We are happy to answer that question! The truth is that your baby can sleep just fine in warm pajamas overnight. He can nap in daytime clothing wit...

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