“What a difference this has made in the quality of sleep and life for everyone in the household!”
Our 20 month old was being held for naps and waking 1-2 times during the night, resulting in me sleeping with him in the chair in him room a few nights a week. We needed help! I heard about Susan Lowman and Sleep Wise from a mom at the park, and am so grateful! Susan worked with us to create a plan that worked best for our schedule. I couldn’t be more pleased with the results of the program and the support we received from Susan along the way. She was kind, thorough, provided the support we needed and answers to so many questions, and led us to successfully get our 20 month old sleeping through the night and napping independently. We made simple changes to his sleeping environment per her recommendation, and through her guidance, gave him the love and support he needed to get to sleeping independently. So grateful for you Susan! Four months later, we are still consistent with the routine we established and have a happy, napping/sleeping 2 year old!