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Erica Threet
Senior Sleep Consultant

Jacksonville Beach, Fl.

Erica Threet joined the Sleep Wise team in 2019 and is a highly experienced member of our Senior Sleep Consultant team and a Certified Potty Training Consultant. As a preschool and toddler specialist, Erica provides ongoing education and coaching to members of the Sleep Wise team. Erica’s method for creating connection and supportive boundaries based on the individual needs of the child has been an overwhelming success for families struggling with their child’s sleeplessness.

Talk to ERICA

Erica’s Experience

After receiving a Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education and a Master’s Degree in Early Education, Erica spent a decade teaching in the early childhood and gifted classroom for elementary-aged children. Understanding fully the impact that predictability and quality sleep have on learning, Erica has continued to focus her work on toddlers and preschoolers struggling with difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Erica utilizes a whole brained approach to sleep training toddlers, assuring that each child she works with receives developmentally appropriate strategies for learning this new skill. In addition, she provides gentle parenting techniques to help parents both, support their little one throughout this process, and maintain a strong attachment. The result is an individualized sleep training method for toddlers that goes beyond sleep – providing connection and a long-term plan that supports the needs of the family and child.

Erica has experience with baby sleep training and sleep training strong-willed, gifted, and children with diverse needs.

Read Erica’s Client Reviews

"I have a 3 year old that was having tantrums throughout the day and waking me up multiple times throughout the night. He was typically a good sleeper but his behavior and night wakings were getting out of control. Erica was so easy to work with and gave me the most valuable tools to help my little man. He’s putting himself to bed EARLY, sleeping through the night, brushing his teeth, changing his own clothes, listening when we ask him to do something. I wish I did this sooner!"

Talia, parent of a 3 year old

Erica’s Sleep Story

As a lifelong learner, I did a significant amount of research on baby sleep when we were expecting my first son. He ended up sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old. As most parents quickly realize, each child is unique, and my second son forced us to think about his sleep needs differently. We came up with a plan that suited him and he was sleeping through the night by 3 months old.

I discovered Sleep Wise Consulting in a Facebook community. When they approached me about becoming a sleep consultant I knew immediately that I wanted to pursue the opportunity. I know my journey is not what many new parents experience, but it doesn’t have to be that way. I am passionate about helping little children learn, and being a resource for parents as they are navigating sleep training.

I believe that every child is special and unique in their own way. It’s my job to find the best way for each child to learn, so they can be their very best. I also know that bedtime can be enjoyable for the whole family.

Get Started with Erica

Book a free 20-minute evaluation to start crafting your custom sleep solution.

Book With Erica

Erica at a Glance

Location/Time Zone

Jacksonville Beach, FL / EST

on my nightstand

sound machine, water, a non-fiction book




Toddlers & Pre-Schoolers, Early Childhood

my style

detailed, organized, your cheerleader, creative thinker, constant learner

Sleep Philosophy

Children learn best with consistency, routine and predictability. We will work together to build consistency and predictability into your days and nights and make bedtime enjoyable again.