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Morgan Widden
Sleep Consultant

Bellingham, Wa.

Hello! I’m so excited to meet you! My name is Morgan Widden and I live in Washington state with my two boys, my husband Joe, and our sweet dog Rey. I’m a Washingtonian who’s moved around a bunch, and I spent most of my last decade in Arizona before finding my way back up to the PNW.

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I am a numbers person! I just love data!

So much so, that my undergraduate degree is in Engineering. After working in corporate, I eventually realized that the one think I love more than data is child development! I went on to get my M.Ed. in Elementary Education and have now been fortunate enough to teach in both Grade Level and Higher Education settings.

My journey with sleep, like most parents, started when my first baby was born. My oldest was a firecracker personality, who struggled with both feeding and sleeping.

I knew that we needed to start practicing independent sleep skills for both his sake and mine, and I started researching! I dedicated a lot of energy, time, and night feeds to reading about the science of sleep. Once I started, I couldn’t stop!

The science and data behind independent sleep skills made so much sense, plus I got to see the real-life results in my sweet baby boy. I watched him build a new skill with me there to support him, and I saw what a difference it made in his day! He was happily sleeping in his crib, and I got to genuinely enjoy motherhood as a rested parent! Win-Win! When I found out we were having baby number 2, I started prepping right away. I knew that I wanted to have that same bonding experience through sleep with my second baby.

When my youngest and I came home after birth, I got to have all the snuggles, bonding, and feeding time that came with a newborn.

But I also got to watch him take the occasional independent nap in his crib while I had alone time with my toddler (or even some alone time to myself!). I was so prepared to have sleep be the same struggle again, but then my youngest son ended up being a much easier sleeper. By prioritizing his schedule I got to learn so much about him at a young age, and it was such a joy to understand that his sleep needs were representative of his unique personality! All babies are different!

I’ve realized that sleep training is fundamentally understanding your child – honoring their unique sleep needs with routines and consistency that work for them!

The families who choose to sleep train (at any age) get such a cool moment to really honor their kiddo as a holistic person! The love and respect that happens along the sleep journey is truly amazing, and I am honored to be part of it!

If you want to take this journey into sleep, I’d love to be there to support you! Let’s chat about getting a sleep routine that works for the unique needs of your whole family!

Morgan at a Glance

Location/Time Zone

Bellingham, WA / PST


A water bottle, a salt lamp, a plant, and 15 “to-read” books


B.S., M.Ed., CPSC


newborns, infants, and toddlers

my style

empathetic, encouraging, friendly, and supportive

Sleep Philosophy

Sleep is a necessary part of our lives! Honoring our unique needs to rest and restore ourselves is a gift we all deserve!

"I spent countless hours rocking and shushing my daughter to sleep and I was lucky if she slept 30 minutes at a time. Sleep Wise was magic for me - my daughter was putting herself to sleep within minutes by the next day."

Jessica, parent of a 4 month old

Get Started with Morgan

Book a free 20-minute evaluation to start crafting your custom sleep solution.

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