“…makes the whole family happy.”
Everyone has the best sleep possible now because I started good sleep habits with my first baby. I had my first son and was struggling so badly in the newborn stage, but also knew struggling to get him sleeping could just continue unless I did all that I could. I jumped in and got Melina as my consultant just from a Facebook group. I started with my son and making good habits and practicing at 8 weeks old because I knew it was the only way anyone could get a good sleep, also as I had to return to work when he was 12 weeks and so anyone could put him to sleep easier when he went to daycare. To start with he was so addicted to his dummy (pacifier), heavily reliant on it to sleep, and suffered from colic and silent reflux that I had to co-sleep with him but found neither of us got quality sleep this way. Following the sleep plan and getting answers to all my questions quickly really helped me understand my baby’s world and what to do to help! I needed to feel that bit of control and have someone tell me what to do, then I had less anxiety and stress because I could understand more his timely wants and needs – instead of guessing repeatedly! At week 11 and on the last day before turning 12 weeks my baby could go to sleep independently! Now he also links sleep cycles and everyone is so well rested our days, nights and playtime is so enjoyable. My husband even said, “I’m so proud of you.” The many, many hours of practice that I never thought would end – but we made it. My son loves his sleep, he loves his cot and he loves the routine – and that makes the whole family happy.