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Is It Too Noisy for My Baby to Sleep?

Infant Sleep

There are two opposing opinions when it comes to what baby needs to sleep well. Parents who want everything absolutely quiet. And parents who think a baby should get used to a noisy sleep environment, so they will learn to sleep through anything.

But the truth is somewhere in the middle (isn’t it always?).

What kind of noises can disrupt baby’s sleep?

It’s hard to remove all sound from a sleep environment, and keep in mind the womb was not a quiet place! However, there is a difference between low consistent noise and sudden loud or changing noises. Honking cars or sirens, dogs barking, door bells or phones ringing, loud talking can all cause sleep disruptions.

The simplest answer is: as quiet as you can make it and still live life. The same things that you would deem too noisy for you to sleep are likely to disrupt your baby’s sleep.

The Down Side Of Too Quiet

If you want to make sure your baby gets used to noise so they can sleep through anything, this part is for you. There is some validity to the belief that baby’s will adjust to noise levels. If you stop all life and noise at nap times, then small noises that he might otherwise be able to sleep through because they are commonplace will become disturbances that cause waking needlessly.

A consistent type of noise that we regularly recommend to families for sleep times is white noise. Naturally produced white noise from a fan or Dohm sound machine can buffer outside noises and aid in sound sleep. By introducing this type of sound into the sleep environment, you can reduce external noise that may cause sleep disruptions.

The Myth Of Light Sleepers

When our sleep consultants hear from parents that their child is a “light sleeper” we know we need to dig into so much more about this child’s sleep habits and sleep environment. This is likely not a case of a noisy sleep space. We know that often, light sleepers are more affected by noise because of the conditions in which a child falls asleep and how that impacts connecting sleep cycles.

For example, when a baby is lulled to sleep through rocking or walking or nursing, a change in environment (such as from your warm arms to a cool crib) will jar them awake.  Similarly, if they are jarred awake in their crib because of a loud noise and they fell asleep in your arms, they may be confused and have a hard time falling back to sleep in a different place than they fell asleep initially. It’s not a creak in the floor or the sound of the door closing that woke them up all. It is a change in sleep environment, and a change in onset of sleep. When a child knowingly falls asleep in their crib, they can transition through sleep cycles, and are less impacted by external noises.

So, remember…

There are 4 key takeaways when it comes to noise and your baby’s sleep. First, try to limit (where you can) loud, sudden noises during sleep times. Second, maintain your normal every day noises so you aren’t tiptoeing around. Third, consider enhancing sleep environments with white noise. Lastly, independent sleep habits turn “light sleepers” into sound sleepers!

By Katie Pitts, Founder & CEO of Sleep Wise Consulting