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Understanding SIDS & Sleep Safety

Sleep Safety

Little strikes more terror into the heart of a new parent than the word SIDS. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a nightmare every parent prays they’ll never have to live through, the unexplained death of a newborn while they sleep. Understanding the risk factors associated with SIDS, eliminating those situations to the best of your ability, and staying informed about products that are unsafe for sleep can help you make the best choices for your baby.

What Is SIDS?

Sudden infant death syndrome is the unexplainable death of a seemingly healthy baby under 1 year of age, although it is most common from birth to 6 months old. Approximately 1,500 babies will die as a result of SIDS and it is the leading cause of death in infants. The rate has steadily declined since the launch of the “Back to Sleep” campaign in 1994. Organizations like Cribs for Kids continue to provide education and access to safe sleep spaces today. In fact, every member of the Sleep Wise Consulting team is a Cribs for Kids Safe Sleep Ambassador!

Causes Of SIDS

While the very definition of SIDS is “unexplainable death”, there are some factors believed to help reduce the risk for your newborn.

1. Healthy Pregnancy

Having a healthy pregnancy gives your child a strong start. Low birthweight and premature arrivals increase risks. Eating well and taking your prenatal vitamins is important not just for you, but your baby, too.

2. No Second Hand Smoke

Avoid being around smoke when you are pregnant and after your baby is born. Research points to second smoke doubling the risk of SIDS.

3. Back To Sleep

Babies who sleep on their back have a 50% less chance of SIDS than those who do not.

4. Breastfeed

While research hasn’t revealed why this makes a difference, there is an undeniable correlation in the data that infants who nurse have a lower risk of SIDS.

5. Safe Sleep Environment

Don’t put your baby on a soft, fluffy surface to sleep. Avoid pillows and blankets and even plush toys that can smother. This includes couches, bean bag seats, and soft bedding. In addition, keep the sleep space cool and do not overdress the baby.

6. Room Share

There is truly no way to safely co-sleep. The safest way to keep baby close at night is to place a bassinet or crib in your bedroom.

Additionally, some products that have been marketed for sleep have been recalled due to safety concerns. We highly recommend downloading our free safe sleep guide, which addresses many common misconceptions about safe sleep and sleep products.

Sleep Wise Consulting’s top priority is safe sleep. We address sleep safety in every private consultation. We know that safe sleep isn’t always simple. If you ever have a question, please reach out.

By Katie Pitts, Founder & CEO of Sleep Wise Consulting