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Infant Sleep

Tell Tale Signs of A Tired Child

When it comes to the signs of a tired child it can vary based on age. For babies, these signs maybe ear pulling, yawning, eye rubbing, crying, or even staring off into the distance. For toddlers and older children, the signs of tiredness are often b...

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Infant Sleep

Is It Too Noisy for My Baby to Sleep?

There are two opposing opinions when it comes to what baby needs to sleep well. Parents who want everything absolutely quiet. And parents who think a baby should get used to a noisy sleep environment, so they will learn to sleep through anything....

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Infant Sleep

Why Won’t My Baby Sleep?

I'd argue that there are few things in a new parents life that are harder than dealing with a baby that won't sleep. Those hours in the middle of the night when you are battling sheer exhaustion while trying to soothe a crying baby can cause feeling...

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